
Tourist spot

About Sanjusangendo

Sanjusangendo is officially named Rengeo-in (national treasure).
In 1164, Kiyomori Taira made progress.
The sideways long building is 120 meters long
Made with firewood.

It is called “Sanjusangen-do” because there are 33 pillars in front.
There are 1001 Kannon statues displayed in the hall.

Infinite mercy and kannon statue

There are 500 bodies on both sides of the central giant elephant.
A total of 1001 people are your gods.

Chuson is designated as a national treasure, and is officially called “Eleven Thousand Thousand Thousand Eyes Kannon”.
Chuson is a masterpiece of the Kamakura period.

The 1000 Kannon lanterns on both sides of Chuson were made by 70 sculptors over about 100 years.
Since it was made over many years, everything has a different face.

Thunder God and Wind God

The thunder god statue and the wind god statue are on the very high clouds at both ends of the temple.
Raijin is the god who sounds thunder by hitting the drum.
Fujin is a god who carries a tare on his shoulder and opens the bag to blow the wind.
The people at that time were afraid of the wind god and thunder god.
He worshiped as the god who controls the rain.
Because wind and rain bring good harvest.

National treasure Kannon 28 members

There are 28 Buddha statues with various changes displayed near Chuson. (They are also national treasures)
It is the gods who protect Sennon Kannon and its followers.
There are many things of Indian origin, and the mythical appearance is expressed.
The eyes of the twenty-eight members are all made of crystal.
This is to improve the realism of Buddha statues.
The Buddha with crystal eyes is from the 12th to 14th century Kamakura period.


One of the two major events of Sanjusangendo.
“Yanagi-no-Okaji” is a ritual held in the middle of January every year.
It is said that you will benefit from headaches.
It is believed that headaches can be healed by watering the willow branches.
About 20,000 people come from all over the country every year.





「大的(おおまと)大会」 京都市東山区 蓮華王院 三十三間堂 2019年1月13日 ・ 本日、蓮華王院 三十三間堂では、楊枝のお加持(やなぎのおかじ)と、「通し矢」に由来する弓引き初めの伝統的な競技、「大的(おおまと)全国大会」が開かれ、弓道を志す新成人ら約2千人が腕前を披露しました。 本堂西側の射場で直径約1メートルの的を約60メートルの距離で競射する弓引き初めの行事です。 ・ 昨年は撮影に行けず、過去写真を投稿したのですが、それを見た昨年の参加者が、自分が写っている写真が有ったら送ってほしいとのお願いがありました。 しかしその年に行ってなかったことを伝えると残念がられていました。 . そんなこともあったので、出来るだけたくさん写真を撮ってあげようとは思ったのですが、なんと言ってもあの大混雑で、長い時間の撮影は無理でした… . 親御さんも我が子の雄姿を撮影したいと思ったでしょうが、あの状況で撮るのは難しいでしょう…😢 . しかし、皆さん良い成人式になったでしょうね〜…🙌 ・ #三十三間堂 #蓮華王院 #Sanjusangendo #通し矢 #弓道 #弓引き初め #楊枝のお加持 #Kyudo #JapaneseArchery #京都 #Kyoto #instagramjapan #そうだ京都行こう #ig_japan #icu_japan #lovers_nippon #japan_daytime_view #loves_united_japan #loves_united_kyoto #japan_of_insta #hubsplanet #visitjapanjp #visit_travel #retrip_nippon #light_nikon #tokyocameraclub #jalan_travel #japantravelphoto #kyotopi #KP三十三間堂

コウノスケ @KYOTOPHOTOGRAPHさん(@kyotophotograph)がシェアした投稿 –

Another major event is the Kyudo tournament.
(Kyudo: resembles archery)
At the beginning of the year, an archery competition called “Toshiya” is held.
The contestant who shoots the most arrows in 24 hours will win.
There is no specific target when shooting an arrow, and it counts when the arrow reaches the end of the garden.
(There is also 120 meters to the end)
By the way, the highest record in the past is recorded as 13,053 arrows in 24 hours.
Surprisingly, the arrows were fired once every 10 seconds.


  1. […] of Himeji City, you …miyagtour.com2019.08.04 No. 11: Sanjusangendo / Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture SanjusangendoAbout Sanjusangendo Sanjusangendo is officially named Rengeo-in (national treasure). In… No. 12: Nara Park / Nara City, Nara Prefecture No. 13: Naritasan Shinshoji Temple / Narita City, […]
