Sensoji Temple

Tourist spot

What is Sensoji Temple ?

Sensoji Temple is the oldest temple in Tokyo, located in Taito-ku, Tokyo.
It is said that its establishment dates back to 628, the time of Emperor Emperor.
Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu is enshrined in the main shrine.
Many worshipers visit throughout the year.

There are many other highlights besides the main hall that is introduced in the media and guidebooks.


Kaminarimon is a landmark in Asakusa.
It is a popular spot in Asakusa that many people visit for this purpose.

In front of the gate, which is decorated with a large red lantern, tourists enjoy taking a commemorative photo.

Kaminarimon was destroyed by fire in the Edo period.
It was not rebuilt for 95 years.
However, it was rebuilt in 1960 by Konosuke Matsushita (Panasonic’s founder).

Let’s enjoy it when you visit the thunder god statue, a powerful wind god placed on the left and right.

Nakamise Street




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着物レンタルVASARA浅草駅前店さん(@vasara_asakusaekimae)がシェアした投稿 –

Nakamise Street is the big shopping street that passes through Kaminarimon.
It is said to be the oldest shopping street in the existing Japanese shopping street.

Souvenir shops and restaurants are lined up on both sides of the 250m long approach.
The main attraction of this shopping district is the removal of utility poles from the surrounding area and the preservation of the Japanese historical atmosphere.


There is “Hozomon” at the front entrance of the temple.
It is a large vermilion gate that can be said to be the face of Sensoji Temple.
This gate has Nio statues on the left and right.

Its height exceeds 21m.
When you walk down to the gate, it is so large that you cannot see the top.

It is named “Treasure House” because it contains the treasures of the temple.

Five-storied pagoda

The five-storied pagoda stands out from the height of Sensoji Temple.

This is a five-storied pagoda that makes you feel Japanese.
However, what is surprisingly devoted is the stupa dedicated from the Islamnya temple in Sri Lanka.

Stupa is the remains of Buddha.

The five-storied pagoda is a symbolic existence that painters always draw when they draw Sensoji.
It has been loved by many people since the Edo period.

Main hall

The main hall is the place you want to visit at Sensoji Temple.

The main shrine “Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu” is placed in the main hall at the back of the precincts.

There is a place where you can get an incense stick in front of the main hall.
It is said that if you make a wish while sprinkling smoke rising from the body, it will remove the bad part of your body.

Amida Nyorai and Ishibashi

One area that is often overlooked when sightseeing in Sensoji is the area on the left side of the main hall.

There are plenty of attractions in this area that you won’t find in the guidebook.
There is Amida Nyorai, who is said to lead people with the light of mercy.
Bronze statues are registered as cultural properties.

There is a stone bridge and nature where you can feel the atmosphere right next to Amida Nyorai.
If you look into the pond from Ishibashi, you can see the sharks swimming elegantly.

There is also a place where a stream runs near the stone bridge.
It’s a spot that can’t be considered the temple grounds in the city center.
Let’s heal slowly while listening to the sound of flowing water.





浅草寺境内の淡島堂。 美しいお顔の阿弥陀様もいらっしゃいます。 #浅草寺 #淡島堂

ユリオさん(@hakatadechamp)がシェアした投稿 –

It is a temple built between 1688 and 1704 in the precincts of Sensoji Temple.
The current hall was rebuilt after it was destroyed in the Second World War.

This Awashimado is enshrined with Amida Nyorai and Awashima Myojin statue.

Awashima Myojin is a god who protects women
God recommended for women.


There is a statue like a monkey that shines golden as soon as you enter Sensoji Temple.
It is called “Nadebotoke”.
This statue is said to be able to lead the part comfortably by stroking the bad part with his body.

From the slick appearance, you can see that many people have been stroked.


  1. […] tourist attraction. The moss for…miyagtour.com2019.08.15 No. 16: Sensoji Temple / Taito-ku, Tokyo Sensoji TempleWhat is Sensoji Temple ? Sensoji Temple is the oldest temple in Tokyo, located in Tait… No. 17: Nikko Toshogu / Tochigi Nikko City No. 18: Kuribayashi Park / Takamatsu City, Kagawa […]
