Samurai Museum

Tourist spot

Samurai Museum in a very lively area in Shinjuku.

What surprises me is the extensive exhibition and the rich lectures.
There are many foreign visitors because of the theme of samurai.
However, it is a spot that you can enjoy enough even if I am a Japanese.

What is the Samurai Museum?

The Samurai Museum introduces the samurai era that lasted about 700 years from Kamakura to the Edo period.
It opened on September 20, 2015.
Suddenly opened in Shinjuku, which is always vibrant regardless of Japanese or foreigners.
It became a popular spot as soon as it opened.

Samurai is the theme, so it is more popular with foreigners than Japanese.
Therefore, about 90% of visitors are foreigners.
Information is also available in Japanese, English, Korean and Chinese.
Guided English tours take place every 10 to 20 minutes.

A powerful exhibition to see up close

Most armor helmets are displayed without being put in cases.
This is very unusual.
There are very few places in other museums that do this.
This is a very valuable opportunity to see a powerful armor 360 degrees close up.
It is also nice that photography is basically OK except for some exhibits.
However, you cannot take movies.

Thematic exhibitions that further deepen knowledge

The Samurai Museum has an armor display, a Japanese sword display, and a corner by age.
A fire gun, a foot soldier costume and a rare helmet are on display.
Of course, the most popular among them is the Japanese sword.
A picture showing how to wear armor is also on display, which is very interesting.

You can actually wear armor

The powerful armor exhibited at the Samurai Museum.
You can actually take photos while wearing armor.
You can feel like a samurai.

Helmets, Jinhaori, and swords can be worn.

It is a popular attraction that almost all foreign tourists can experience because it can be experienced for free.
Of course, photography is also free.
It is a very popular armor experience because it is free of charge.
Since waiting time may occur, we recommend that you check the waiting time as soon as you enter the Samurai Museum.

A powerful sword fight show

There is also a sword fight show by professional performers who are actually active in movies and stages.
Held every day. The show will be held at 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm and 5 pm 4 times a day, approximately 10 to 15 minutes each.
This is also free of charge.
Since the first 20 people can enter each time, we recommend that you go to the venue a little earlier when it is crowded.

Japanese sword lecture

Interesting lectures to learn about Japanese swords are also held.
Classes are held every other Friday from 7pm to 8:30 pm.
The fee is 5000 yen, but this includes the entrance fee to the Samurai Museum.
If you wish to participate, please make a reservation in advance by e-mail or telephone.

And this lecture is not Japanese.
Mr. Paul Martin from England.
The lecture by Mr. Paul, who is an expert in Japanese swords and swords history, is a valuable lecture that only 15 people can experience by drawing each day.
In the lecture, you can feel the sword as if you were actually a samurai.


  1. […] Daishi, who opened the Shin…miyagtour.com2019.08.11 No. 14: Samurai Museum / Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Samurai MuseumSamurai Museum in a very lively area in Shinjuku. この投稿をInstagramで見る ..… No.15: Shiratani Unsuikyo / Yakushima Town, Kagoshima Prefecture No. 16: Sensoji Temple / Taito-ku, […]
